Live-Stream Team

We roll together! A team of volunteers produce our live-stream events, utilizing the church's newest technology! If you are a "techie" (or would like to be one, even a little bit), we welcome you to join our team! Please contact Pastor Rodger, our church office, or any member of the church council if you are willing to help.


Pickleball For All
What better use of a brand new blacktop surface than to turn it into a Pickleball court? Our community outreach grant application was approved by Thrivent! With the grant, we were able to purchase a net, four paddles, and balls. We painted the court lines and are hitting the ground running (and dinking). If you're interested in playing, learning to play, or just cheering for your friends, please join us! Planned dates and times of organized play will vary; current sessions will be posted on our Facebook page.

Let's Get Outdoors!

Join us on Wednesday's as we meet to enjoy God's wonderful creation up close and personal! We walk, hike, snowshoe, and enjoy great fellowship on different local trails each week. We meet at 9:00 AM on Wednesdays in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, but change to 1:00 PM in the winter to enjoy the midday warmth of the sun. Contact Bob Papendieck or the church office to learn more about this fun group! To be added to the group's text chat for the week's location, call the church office and request your contact information be added by the group leader.


Women of the Evangelical Church in America (W/ELCA)
Long Lake women meet the first Wednesday of every month for coffee, business meeting, program, and fellowship. Several fundraising events are held each year to support WELCA's projects. These projects include Lutheran World Relief and community and local area needs. The programs are always interesting, the food is always good, and the projects are always worthwhile. All women members and friends are welcome to attend these meetings.

Adult Bible Study

Join us at church every Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM in the church narthex for spirited, enlightened discussions on many diverse and interesting topics. The group is led by Pastor Rodger.

Breakfast, Bible Study, and Conversation

Everyone is invited to join this group on Thursday mornings at 8:30 AM. Come for breakfast, good discussion, and camaraderie. Please call the church office to confirm current meeting location.


 Book Club

The Long Lake Lutheran Book Club meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4:15 PM in the church library to discuss books chosen by members of the group. All are welcome!


This group meets most Wednesdays of the month from September to April. Generally our quilts are sent to Lutheran World Relief and then shipped on to developing countries, while some are given to meet local needs in areas where natural disasters have occurred. Our crafters are also blessed to provide a quilt made with love to our confirmands. At certain times, quilting classes are offered. Experienced and new quilters are always welcome. Quilting materials are also appreciated. Please contact the church office for dates and times if you would like to join us.


Established in April 2023 by Chris Prois, this monthly social gathering is sure to be entertaining! All women of Long Lake Lutheran Church, AND friends, are invited to meet at a selected local restaurant for good food, friendship, and fun. The group typically meets the last Monday of the month (no meeting in November or December).
RSVP is requested so the venue can be notified of what size group to expect. Let Chris know if you plan to attend. Email and include the subject "L5".