Director of Music Ministry -
Kris Knutson
Kris graduated from UW-La
Crosse with a degree in Music Education - Choral and General Music, and has
taught in school districts in Arcadia, Birchwood, Flambeau, and Spooner. Kris
currently teaches K-4 General Music in Spooner, along with private lessons in
the surrounding area. Kris has served churches in Ft. Wayne, IN, and Arcadia in
both school and church music capacities. Kris also served as Director of
Education at Schmitt Music, and as a Global Music Intern at Global Mission
Events and Trainings. Kris received ELW training for musicians and introduced
the ELW hymnal to congregations in the La Crosse Synod. On the performance
side, Kris has served as a musician at numerous La Crosse Area Synod Assemblies
and LYO Lock-ins, and has performed with many artists, including Dakota Road,
Marty Haugen, Mary Preus, Tom Witt, and Anthothy Machado. Kris has also worked
with Susan Briehl and Dave Erlander. One performance Kris will always remember
was singing at Carnegie Hall in New York with the UW-La Crosse Alumni Choir. In
addition to singing and playing piano, Kris plays the French horn, guitar, and
Administrative Assistant -
Bonnie Hurley
was born in central Illinois and spent a wonderful childhood on Lake
Decatur; swimming, water skiing, and generally getting way too much sun. A
rebellious '60s flower child (since somewhat reformed),
Bonnie graduated from Illinois State with a degree in
Comprehensive Business Education. That degree led to several different jobs,
from corn de-tasseling to grain elevator manager to elementary and middle
school teacher, with a stint as a farm wife along the way. In 2007, upon
the retirement of Sharon Butterfield, Bonnie became the Administrative
Assistant at Long Lake Lutheran Church. Bonnie has also bred, raised, and shown
dogs for many years working with many breeds, although Westies are her love.
Bonnie has lived in a number of states and countries, but does not want to
leave the Wisconsin that she has fallen in love with. God
guided me with life experiences for my place here at Long Lake Lutheran, and I
will be forever thankful for His hand in my life.
Custodian -
Gloria Prock
Cemetery Sexton -
Bob Papendieck
Librarian -
Kris Schaefer
Director of Communications -