Community Grant Opportunity
The Ministry Endowment Fund (MEF) at Long Lake Lutheran Church (LLLC) is now accepting applications for grants from this fund. The purpose of the fund is for outreach into the community. LLLC’s MEF grant program will entertain proposals for grants up to $1500.
Application for MEF Funds is available here. Application forms are available here. The first application deadline for this year is March 31, 2024. Submit your application via mail or email, You may also personally deliver it to the church office.
About MEF:
In 2019, our church established a Ministry Endowment Fund (MEF). Its purpose is to enhance the ministry outreach of our church, apart from the general operating budget of the congregation. These gifts will allow us the ability to extend God's work now and for future generations.


How the MEF works:

The Fund will maintain a principal of at least $25,000 at all times. Only the income which the Fund accumulates will be disbursed. This ensures that your gift to the Fund will literally "keep on giving from one generation to the next."


Responsibilities of the MEF Committee:

  • The MEF Committee shall determine the percentage of available funds per category to be distributed and shall report this to the Congregational Council prior to any disbursement.
  • The Committee will consist of five members, elected by the congregation. No member shall serve more than two consecutive 3-year terms. The Pastor and the President or Vice President of the congregation will be ex-officio members, meaning they are members not by election, but by virtue of their positions of authority.   

How funds are distributed:

Income from the Fund is distributed annually, or at such times as is deemed necessary or feasible to accomplish its purposes through distributions:

  • 0-35% for outreach into the community and Northwest Synod
  • 0-35% for missions of the ELCA, nationally and worldwide
  • 0-35% for capital improvements, debt reduction for a building program or any special ministry of the church that is not in the regular annual budget 
  • 0-25% for any one or all of the above designated areas in any proportion as determined by the Committee, or for causes and programs which at the discretion of the Committee are deemed consistent with the purpose of the Fund in enhancing the ministry outreach of the Congregation.  

How you can give to the Fund:

Cash contributions

Memorial gifts

Real estate

Life insurance



To inquire about making a contribution, or to get more information, please contact an MEF Committee Member through the church office 715-354-3804 or