Submit a Prayer Request


Are you facing a challenge right now? If so, we are here for you. We are here to enfold you in loving, faith-filled prayer. You have our commitment to serve you with sensitivity, compassion, and complete confidentiality. You may submit a prayer request online now or contact us and we will pray with you.


Submit your prayer request below, and rest assured that your request is kept sacred and confidential. Every request sent to us receives loving, compassionate attention. Please know that we are here for you and that you are never alone.


Many people wish to have their prayer requests included in our Sunday bulletins, which we are happy to do. When you enter the sanctuary, you will find "Prayer needs/requests" forms available for you to fill out and drop in the offering plate or give to an usher or Pastor Rodger after the service. Please be advised that prayer requests may remain in our bulletin for the current calendar month; if you would like to have your request extended, it must be renewed for the new month. If you would like individuals mentioned as the subject of your prayer request, you should obtain that person's permission before submitting the request. Members may also add prayer concerns for national or international needs.  

Internal use only, leave this field blank.